This is my favorite easy cheesecake recipe. When I want cheesecake in a flash, I make this no-bake style. I love to share it with friends and family. It's...
My favorite dessert to make has to be cheesecakes. This is just one of many that gets a lot of requests. It is sweet and tangy just like its more familiar...
We have been making this in our family for years! It's a soft, no-bake version of cheesecake with Dream Whip® added to make it fluffy...not like regular...
I got this wonderful recipe from a bed and breakfast my hubby and I stayed at. It is always a hit every time I make it! Garnish with caramel or chocolate...
This recipe has no added sugar so it is great for Diabetics. It is a favorite in our house. I first tried this recipe as a regular dessert and later tried...
This is my favorite recipe for New York-style cheesecake, and includes a great technique for letting the citrus-kissed cake finish in the oven, so that...
A majestic orange flavored cheesecake swirled with chocolate goodness. Orange liqueur may be substituted for the orange juice in equal amounts. These cheesecake...
I entertain frequently. My guests always expect me to create something new, a real showstopper! Here is my latest creation. Decorate with whipped cream...
I love cheesecake but sometimes it can be too rich and too sweet. When growing up in Puerto Rico, I remember enjoying a very light textured baked cheesecake...
This is an amazing recipe that I just threw together one day. Everyone loves it so much, it doesn't last long. This is good with any kind of canned or...
I rarely post a trendy recipe while it's still trendy. But this 'burnt' cheesecake method deserved the hype; baking it in a very hot oven delivers a beautiful,...
I came up with this because I wanted simple, but elegant too. I wanted the taste of restaurant cheesecake, but something simple to prepare--because I did...
When my friend Dee gave me this recipe I was very skeptical. Who ever heard of cheesecake made with crescent dough? I made it one day when I had 3 back-up...
If you like restaurant vanilla bean cheesecake, then try this! The cookies make this one much more special and far more yummy. Pure vanilla bean extract...
This no-bake cheesecake with sour cream is very simple and easy. When a dessert is needed quickly, this one is quick to make. Everyone seems to like it....
This recipe is absolutely fantastic. I have impressed many with it and so did my grandmother. It is not the 'run-of-the-mill' cheesecake. You just have...
Why is caramel only used as a drizzle on cheesecake that's already flavored with something else? My mother is a huge fan of caramel and a hater of chocolate,...